Sunday, 14 May 2017

The Beginners Guide To International Travel

🛫 The Beginner’s Guide To International Travel 🛬

The next few posts of mine are going to be based around guidelines for individuals who want to travel international... in our live time there is one thing that should be on every person’s bucket list, PING, PING, PING. 

YES, you got it "international travel"...

So whether you go to a bordering country or halfway around the world, there is still so much to see and you definitely don’t want to miss out. Traveling has completely changed my life. It has opened up my eyes to so many different, beautiful and amazing things like culture, values, beliefs, history and so much more that I would have never seen.

As a person we have probably always gone on holiday with family or friends, or maybe gone on school tours for sports, arts and drama and so on, but to say so my self if tends to be scary and overwhelming when you take your first international trip by yourself. It requires a lot of time and effort to prepare for the GRAND VOYGE of being solo (on your own, if you didn't know what that meant), but "Have NO fair as 'NikNaX' is here...  i'll be telling you what you need, which is easier then you think.

This topic will go on for 8 parts , to everything that you

need to know about international travel!

1. Apply For a Passport

2. Research Tour Dream Destination

3. Check For Visas & Travel Requirements

4. Consider Your Budget

4. Plan An Itinerary

5. Book Your Flight

6. Book Your Accommodation

7. Go!

8. Stay Safe

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